Saturday 7 June 2014

the last couple of weeks

I've been using R's cannon and it's great. The pictures end up much more moody and the focus is incredible. I have to play with it more and get to know it better... but they're so much more expressive than the ones my samsung takes...

 {washing salads}


This week I've went to school once, I think. The rest of the week I worked on a couple of essays for H. But it's been slow... The rest of the time, I've been reading, Cooking, eating, cycling. And still I feel I was in a hurry, and hadn't enough time to enjoy them.

  We've been searching for a tiny flat. I hate this. It reminds me of last year when we were searching and it's never fun. I do hate it, really. We have a month to find one, but maybe we shall be done with it even sooner... we'll see. I've been contemplating on the space in my sister's apartment...

R finished his bike. Took an old one and repainted it and replaced most of its parts and now he has this. Its way more fancy and classic than my old lady bike. But you wouldn't believe how comfortable my bike is (Even R says so often times)- part of it is because of a good saddle i bought while in Italy, R had contemplated on buying one too and didn't and now regrets it.

food wise: I've been oatmealing it again. R takes lunch with him at work: omlette with cheese and a few pieces of bread and something sweet for dessert.
While at my sister's last week we had a special Friday night with homemade pizza inher oven which is grandiose. it really is. We had a drink of leftover drink of lemonade vodka and champagne from the party, along with episodes of the office - were getting really close to the end.

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