Monday 29 June 2015

The end...finally

I am looking forward to using a proper camera instead of my phone.

I'll be missing my mornings in the room with the great light, Sara from school, pasteis de nata, the beach, the city, the weather, the great computers at school. That's about it.

It was great, but way too long.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

I want to break free!

I've been working in order to meet deadlines. I've been working a lot at school as my laptop charger died - half of it, at first. I bought a new piece and replaced that and soon after the other part died. It's this stupid house with old electric network. It happened to the girl I'm living with once or twice also. So now I bought an expensive complete new charger I'm hoping will be ok.

I have two more things for school this week and I'll finish and start going after the teachers for my grades and my papers for going back home. I have two more weeks here, exactly.

I just want to go already. Fuck Portugal!

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Nothing new here

I have been so incredibly lazy.

This weekend, as were going into May (and leaving behind April, bitter-sweet month of April which was so because I had the first two weeks of it to spend with R and then the other two, almost three of them trying to get back into work and being alone again), marks the start of my last 7 weeks of school and 8 weeks until take off. I'm trying really hard to finish work, get things done, go to school for classes.

What gets me through the week are coffee and sweets, tea, reading, doing laundry (yay), new Inside Amy Schumer episode on Wednesday afternoon, new Spilled Milk podcast episode on Thursday afternoon, and this podcast (you just need to sign up, really quick and easy) a couple of times a week, not sure exactly when. OH! And Casey, of course! R told me about him last week and I'm hooked. And I almost forgot, I've finished Project Runway season 6 and going to start 7. I know you all watched a long time ago, It's been over and done with and I don't care, I didn't get to finish them, so now I'm catching up.

I know I should be doing other stuff rather than staying inside and watching and listening to these but the weather has been the worst, going out and visiting just reminds me of my time with R while he was here and makes me sad he is not, and plus I kind of saw everything there is to see in this city.
I am totally done with it. I just want to go home already.

 {worst weather ever}

 {city walking}

 {extra class I'm taking, or rather skipping}

 {romantic evening at the beach by myself}

 {great cafeteria room}

{a great vegetarian meal from a while back with Sara}


I really miss taking photos with and handling a proper camera, not just my phone. It's just not the same, and never will be. 

why I wear the same thing to work everyday  + this
field guide to the sandwich
party planning tips with my dearest Rachel of Heart of light

Saturday 11 April 2015

Easter guest

Hey, guys, I'm back from my sweet two week holiday with R, alone again and ready to get this( the rest of the school year) over with. It has been three months since I last saw R back home and it felt great and I just love him a lot. Nothing really changed, I still want to spend every day with him, he makes my life easier and I still love his cute little smile. And ass.
I have two and a half months to go until my flight home and looking at the calendar and school stuff we still have to get through, it doesn't seem like that much time to get things done. These people here really work your ass off, even just to keep up with them.

 I'm going to share a few random photos from my two-week 'honeymoon' as Nadia called it: