Monday 28 April 2014

I don't know about you guys but I feel stressed out lately. I wake up in the middle of the night and all these worries get to me: what am I going to do next with the fashion thing, is it really what I want, I worry about school, not exercising enough, not eating right, not feeling very great, always being tired. I have this Erasmus thing coming up, whether we should find a new place, move to our own apartment, I worry about school assignments and that I don't have time to experiment anymore. I don't ride my bike as much, don't spend time outdoors at all, just while going to work or school, I never have time to read a book, just tiny snippets but never consistently. I don't feel I want to cook anymore, I don't even want to think of going out at night, clubbing or seems too much fuss and tiresome.

Hope it doesn't get worse.I should probably make an effort to chillax.
P.s. I have lots of photos of our Italy trip coming up, an update on the herbs situation, some more darling things around the house as we are planning on moving out of this tiny room and into another rented little apartment just for the two of us. It can only go up from here.

Friday 18 April 2014

Have a nice weekend

And Happy Easter!
I've done 0 cooking, a little cleaning around the house and luggage packing for Sunday, as we are off for a whole week in Italy. I just hope we won't experience this kind of weather there. Until next week.

the week, foodwise

{veggies that joined potatoes and carrots in the oven}

 {vegan salad for dinner + not showed french fries from Mcdonalds}

 {vegan muffin + fresh juice at CUIB}

{vegan pizza - pretty good actually}

This week we tried hard to fast. We did, but there was still gingerbread, white flour, Joe wafers, Petru bagels, bake rolls, milk-less coffee - which sucked. That was the hardest thing for me. Not enjoying a strong latte in the morning. Plus maybe the milk chocolate, which is the best in my opinion.
But we made it. It was easier than I expected it. We had the coke to get us through -to balance it off.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

lately in pictures

 {this weather}

 {another quick visit}

 {these exhibits in the school yard}

{working on a new bike}

 {this cake and bunch of roses from someone I know to someone I also know}

 {balloons/ soda}

 {this birthday girl}

 {this bucket of flowers I was jealous of}

{this piece of chocolate heaven}

Friday 11 April 2014

Have a nice weekend!

{morning view up on the window side of the bed}

The week went by so fast, didn't it? But the weekend is here and I can stay home, clean, do dishes, work for know: fun stuff. No really, that is what I enjoy doing.
Saturday morning we'll be at school at Brustus' course. Later on some spring cleaning and maybe cooking and a movie or some reading. Sunday should be workday for school and wrapping things up work-wise before going on Easter break. Next week will be pretty stressful having to go to school, nichi, some shopping, packing for Sunday afternoon take off. So with a busy week ahead I hope to get to relax these two days. Have a nice one!

these essentials for every home
this diy I might just try
this blog on abandoned bikes in NY which I enjoyed a lot
this favorite blog of mine for making me want to learn my way around different cameras

Tuesday 8 April 2014

A lately one

 {this cup of tea from a while back}

 {this bike we're thinking of getting a hold on}

 {this much space + light in the ws bathroom}

{this pretty weather}

 {these burnt popovers - recipe here}

{this candy mix that got us excited}

P.s. these info-graphics  remind me of/ actually are made for what I'm currently reading

Saturday 5 April 2014

flat bread / ginger garlic pork

{ ingredients in which to marinate}

 {to sit together}

 {dough }

 {hot goodies}

{assembly line}

This is the best flat bread recipe ever, provided you follow the recipe exactly and let the dough sit accordingly.
Just ignore the lady in the picture on the right when you go check out the recipe. Believe me, it's good. It seemed a lot of flour at the beginning but I was to lazy to measure half of the ingredients, made it like so and I used just half of the dough the first time and kept the other half in the fridge and made another 6 (or 4, depending on how you divide the dough}, the next night. Totally worth it. 

You could use any other meat, or no meat to go with them, salad, veggies, dips, spreads, cheeses, anything. I cut my little piece of pork into strips and added one tablespoon of vinegar, one of mustard, one of soy sauce. Grate some garlic, lime zest, ginger, mix with the pork and let sit. The longer, the better. When it's time to cook the meat, heat some oil in the pan and drop everything in there. It will sizzle like crazy so put a lid on it.:D. Cook for around five minutes and then serve.
We ate our 'kebabs' with a couple of chilli sauces we stocked up on a while back on Asian week at lidl. Good stuff.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Have a nice weekend!

{view from up at BCU at the opening of Texpoart}

I feel like we're going to have bad weather this weekend, so we'll probably skip the bike rides and focus on work. Yeah, like that will happen...Anyways, we'll try. I'm looking forward to some new posts from a couple of my favorite blogs, maybe catch up on some reading and planning for next week. Have a merry weekend.

this pretty drink recipe card
this flickr because lovely pics
this series from designsponge

Bits of lately

{this baby basil}

 {this view on sunny days}

 {this crazy /pathetic illustration downstairs}

 { this bad photo of this cake - you can see no resemblence}

 {this busy morning working together for Atelier35}

 {this pot in this state every morning}

Tapioca pudding - coconut milk/ mango topping

 {so tiny and little}

 {coco - the last can}

 {mango puree - if you have a blender}

{my favorite cups/ not so good looking pudding}

I wanted to try this recipe in like forever and the reason that is, is because I couldn't find the damn tapioca. I had two health stores order some for over two weeks and they never got it. Then one day I just saw this little store and decided to go ask and of all the damn places, this one had it. It was 12 lei, and in my opinion OK. I used to very little of it, so it should last me a while. I will make some more pudding, but instead of coconut milk, I'll make it with regular milk, skip the mango and add some cocoa or some chopped chocolate bits and color it deliciously. 
After I brought the tapioca home, it seemed like suck a complicated recipe to get through and so I kept putting it off. Then, when I finally decided to make it, I was surprised by how easy breezy it went. I followed the recipe step by step, and although my cups of pudding aren't the prettiest of the hood, they sure are good. There. I enjoyed this recipe very much.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

 {happening outside our window}

 {mamma mia pizza sucks - even when you've had a couple of beers}

 {this poster outside our apartment door}

{iasi comics fest at the mall}

It should have been a work weekend but it wasn't. Instead we biked, as usual, cooked, washed dishes, watched episodes from The Office (we're getting very close to the end), ate out. Weekends are good.

Buckwheat(hrisca) two ways

{raw / toasted}

I initially wanted to do this granola recipe, for ready made glorious breakfasts. I bought the darker  grain and found out it wasn't right for what I wanted to do. I found the raw one at Auchan, very cheap and convenient while the toasted one at a healthy foods store.

 {dry ingredients for the granola}


I'm pleased with the results, it tastes great, although it may not look like the one in the original recipe.

{salad + fried egg}


After cooking the buckwheat like this, I just chopped some veggies at roughly the same size, some feta cheese, defrosted peas, whatever you got basically, add salt, pepper, a spruce of vinegar and you're ready to go. It's a great weekday lunch, alone, or with a fried egg.