Saturday 5 April 2014

flat bread / ginger garlic pork

{ ingredients in which to marinate}

 {to sit together}

 {dough }

 {hot goodies}

{assembly line}

This is the best flat bread recipe ever, provided you follow the recipe exactly and let the dough sit accordingly.
Just ignore the lady in the picture on the right when you go check out the recipe. Believe me, it's good. It seemed a lot of flour at the beginning but I was to lazy to measure half of the ingredients, made it like so and I used just half of the dough the first time and kept the other half in the fridge and made another 6 (or 4, depending on how you divide the dough}, the next night. Totally worth it. 

You could use any other meat, or no meat to go with them, salad, veggies, dips, spreads, cheeses, anything. I cut my little piece of pork into strips and added one tablespoon of vinegar, one of mustard, one of soy sauce. Grate some garlic, lime zest, ginger, mix with the pork and let sit. The longer, the better. When it's time to cook the meat, heat some oil in the pan and drop everything in there. It will sizzle like crazy so put a lid on it.:D. Cook for around five minutes and then serve.
We ate our 'kebabs' with a couple of chilli sauces we stocked up on a while back on Asian week at lidl. Good stuff.

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