Saturday 29 March 2014

Have a nice weekend!


Not much happening around here. Just the usual bike rides, snacks on the go/ very little cooking, work, blogging, sleeping in late. 
My basil has started to grow, in just a week. Tiny little green leaves have appeared here and there . I'm happy about that.

Liking this cookbook in pictures
This article
these lovely illustrations
these facts because I love NY

photos these week

 {weeknight trip to Carturesti}

 {leftover lunch}

 {farmers' market eggs}

 {new vase + freesia}

 {buttermilk biscuit/strawberry jam + new darling plate}

{these snacks sent from America - courtesy of Dna Maria}

Wednesday 26 March 2014

bits of gardening (wanna be)

 {starting with}

Finally, here we are. It took me great strength to  go through this post. It seemed daunting.
You'll need:
seeds - see when(in what period/ month) the seeds need to be seeded. Its March so I chose basil, cat nip and mint, because supposedly now it's their time...whatever. Just look on the back.
soil - a 5 kg bag was just perfect for what I did
used paper, preferably black and white because supposedly when you water the soil in the paper pots, color leaks into the soil and it may affect the well being and growth of the plant. That is if you get to that stage.
a tray or a couple depending on how many pots you have/ end up with
not pictured - a larger glass, pot, bowl - but a cylindrical one

Start making the paper pots by folding your newspaper twice.

Take your cylindrical object, in my case our coffee/tea pot and wrap the paper around and try and secure it's shape with string. After that fold the remaining bits/edges over in whatever style and tape them down. You can understand, I'm sure. Can you?

It's very easy. Then just flip it and get the soil in there.

Make as many as you think you'll need.  I first thought I would just make six of these. But the seeds are so many and small, so I made more thinking I would use them all but didn't.
You can now water them slightly and then plant 4-5 seeds in each and cover them also slightly. Just cover, don't push the soil or anything. They'll be fine. I hope.
I made 5 pots with basil, 5 with mint and just 2 with cat nip.


 {basil - Ocimum basilicum }

 {mint - Mentha  piperita --so tiny and little}

 {cat nip - nepeta cataria}



You needto water them daily and try and keep them in semi-sunny places. It's a problem with our room and the light we get, but we'll see.

There you have it, Good night!

fried soft boiled egg

Recipe through copy paste via

For one person (2 eggs) you'll need:
two eggs
one tablespoon flour
one beaten egg
salt and pepper
vegetable oil

or just follow the girls' recipe

After bringing a pot of water to boil( not like R says, to put them in the water while it comes to a boil) fully immerse the eggs and cook either 4-5 minutes if you want them turning out like above in the picture or a couple of minutes more in you like them with less runny yolks. I would have wanted them less runnier but I thought I would overcook them. I have not eaten or cooked an egg this way and so miscalculated. Any-who.
Fish them out and place them in a bowl with cold tap water. No need for ice. Change the water a couple of times, so you definitely know you've stopped the cooking process.
Heat your oil very well, making sure you don't accidentally spill water in there, like I usually do. 
Prepare your beaten egg, flour on a separate plate and the breadcrumbs(seasoned with the salt and pepper) on another. Dip one egg at a time first into the flour, the egg, then crumbs. Egg again and finally another of crumbs.
Fry them one at a time, and be careful as they brown very easily. Fish them out and place them on a kitchen paper towel to get rid of the excess oil.
Serve with whatever and everything.

* you can't find decent breadcrumbs in our supermarkets, I think, so you should make your own. 

You need so little bread, especially for this recipe. Just rip a piece of bread - baguette into crumbs. They don't have to be small because you can squish them between your fingers once they're out of the oven (170 C, 10-15 min) and make some bigger and others smaller.

Friday 21 March 2014

Have a nice weekend!

I have a few things I want to get done this weekend. Tonight we're going to see this movie, me, R and a few others. I'm looking forward to it.
I want to do a little seed planting, and maybe that nail polish diy. We'll see.

 love this poster and loved the movie.saw it a while back and it is very, very good. black and white/ ny / reminds you of Manhattan by Woody Allen - so worth it + love the main actress
jealous of this apartment + it's in Barcelona, the best city there is
very happy to have watched the last two episodes of Girls. here are a few caps
still hooked on them
these portraits

This week

 {milk frothed coffee}

 {new batch / the result of the previous one}

 {morning light makes a lovely mood in the room}

{spending loads of time with us}

 {the fruits of our labor}


 {to keep in mind: cookies + ice cream = always good}

 {first salad in like forever}

{this wonderful exhibition at Palas - to my first year colleagues : Congrats!}

This week also seemed to go by so fast. At least until Wednesday as I had a deadline to meet with my portfolio. I managed to finish but am not very happy. We had to come at school and finish the damn thing above. We had been making dresses, wiring them up, we were an incomplete group but it seems we finished. Now top it off with a flyer and hope that time flies until it's over and no one gets to see it. At least we got our grades.

About the vinegar citrus cleaner: it's pretty good, leaving a fresh scent around the kitchen, although it does have a stronger vinegary smell than I thought it would. I am hoping this next batch will turn out more citrusy. This time I added lavender oil and no herbs. See how that goes.

I didn't manage to do anything for inspired and it sucks big time. Anyways now it's too late. 
I look forward to relaxing a bit, working on my assignments, doing a few things - projects, printing some photos, revisit my portfolio some more - eventually, and planning our future trip.

A quick rerun of the past weekend

 Before this next one goes by.

{early morning bike ride}

 {sunny Saturday}

 {lovely finds while thrifting}

{front light}

 {back light}

 {beer tasting/sharing}

{preparing for this recipe}

It was one good weekend. 
Biking is the best, we think, and plus it's amazing how quick you can get from one place to another. I finally got lights for my bike so I can travel in the evening. They were fairly cheap and I can cut them off my list of things to purchase for my bike. Next off, new brakes and then a good front basket (metal) preferably.

Friday 14 March 2014

the week

This week went by so fast, probably because I was stressed out with work. I did nothing of major interest, just the usual routine. But I loved it.

{when I see this guy I feel excited about our next trip}
        {chocolate covered bagel from petru}                                   {a lucky one in a bag of chips}

 {new trees are being planted on my route to school - lovely}

{the mood in our room when we hang our lamp up up}

 {to dry out}

 {in the middle of dress making}

 {to paint on}

{I love this costume - Olga's}

What made this week special and interesting were the following:

_having R cook for me for a change (because I was in no mood to cook this week)
_several Beatles songs that helped me work harder
_doing work and seeing results + knowing my way around photoshop
_ hanging out at school with my collegues and having fun
_cleaning around the room, doing laundry, clean sheets
_reading a hard copy book - The tropic of cancer
_the beautiful weather
_taking my bike out for a ride - so good

I am happy.