Wednesday 26 March 2014

bits of gardening (wanna be)

 {starting with}

Finally, here we are. It took me great strength to  go through this post. It seemed daunting.
You'll need:
seeds - see when(in what period/ month) the seeds need to be seeded. Its March so I chose basil, cat nip and mint, because supposedly now it's their time...whatever. Just look on the back.
soil - a 5 kg bag was just perfect for what I did
used paper, preferably black and white because supposedly when you water the soil in the paper pots, color leaks into the soil and it may affect the well being and growth of the plant. That is if you get to that stage.
a tray or a couple depending on how many pots you have/ end up with
not pictured - a larger glass, pot, bowl - but a cylindrical one

Start making the paper pots by folding your newspaper twice.

Take your cylindrical object, in my case our coffee/tea pot and wrap the paper around and try and secure it's shape with string. After that fold the remaining bits/edges over in whatever style and tape them down. You can understand, I'm sure. Can you?

It's very easy. Then just flip it and get the soil in there.

Make as many as you think you'll need.  I first thought I would just make six of these. But the seeds are so many and small, so I made more thinking I would use them all but didn't.
You can now water them slightly and then plant 4-5 seeds in each and cover them also slightly. Just cover, don't push the soil or anything. They'll be fine. I hope.
I made 5 pots with basil, 5 with mint and just 2 with cat nip.


 {basil - Ocimum basilicum }

 {mint - Mentha  piperita --so tiny and little}

 {cat nip - nepeta cataria}



You needto water them daily and try and keep them in semi-sunny places. It's a problem with our room and the light we get, but we'll see.

There you have it, Good night!

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