Sunday 11 May 2014

recent trip to Italy. part1 - visiting

I apologize for my laziness, again. I know it's been two weeks since we came back from Italy and no posts on that. I have a couple of them lined up but just haven't found the time to sit down and tell you about it.
Our week in Turin was great. My parents were surprisingly OK, even my sister, and I was embarrassed by their behavior just a bit, which was good. My dad kept wanting to take us there and there but I wanted to walk around on our own. We spent some days with my family and others just out in the city by ourselves.
We walked a lot around the city center, through the stores, bookstores and even got to visit this museum and this basilica. There are lots more to see like this (been there once - and it's really something, R wasn't interested when I suggested it) and this and this, but no time for all of them. Plus there was a  jazz festival kicking off, lots of flea markets to see, walks in the park and lots of other stuff if you have the time and money. But we sure didn't have neither of those.
I loved loved loved that the city is always full of cyclists, and they have these cute old bikes they ride around and I kept pointing at them all the time to R and it was delightful to see so many people biking to work and shopping and doing everything on bikes. I loved the city and I thought this time of the year was perfect for visiting, because the weather was just great, not to hot but not cold, just cool.

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