Wednesday 8 October 2014

Quick check in

I'm grateful for many things. Here are a few.
 {great fall proof}

 {Pupi, being this fat while I'm feeding her a stick...}

 {this belly}

 {these eyes}

 {this tongue}

 {these jars, labeled by R}

 {the climbers/ adventurers}

 {blurred one}

 {photo-bombing my photo: still life with beer and access bracelets}

 {ooouups nightfall/scary situation at this point}

 {brainstorming ideas on how to get back in the city}

We did get to Hamak, eventually. Just a bit too late. Too late to fully enjoy the place. We got there in the afternoon and by the time we had all the straps on we were told to hurry up, cause they were closing the thing because it was getting dark. I chickened out for two reasons: they supposedly had no more gloves - and you do need them, like really. And two: they don't have one or two easier tracks to get the hang on things and warm up before they make you do the harder ones: yellow, blue and the deadliest of them all: red. So R and Adra managed to do the yellow and blue ones. I am proud of them. It really was difficult. But maybe that's just me. 
It's nice, into the woods, many things to do kind of place and has an Adventure Park. Just not that great of an adventure park. Certainly not like I experienced at Brasov.
Then we had half a beer and we were off to "the station", hoping to catch a ride home. We waited and waited but then it seemed hopeless, being Sunday evening and all. Then a woman with a car offered us a ride back and we were thrilled. And we got back safe and unraped, which is awsome. Adra even went on a date afterwards.

I baked cookies, brownie and a lemon yogurt cake for R's birthday today and I packed them and delivered them to his workplace, where he had a little get together with his mates. And they all liked everything very much, and I felt so proud...almost as if I had actually invented the recipes myself.
The recipes are here / here and here. The cookies are the ones I made for a party in May, check the post here.  And they're totally worth it, even if they're crazy expensive to make. The yogurt cake is a classic around here. I just swap the grapefruit with a lemon. The brownie is also an all time favourite.
I recommend trying any of them out. Mom bloggers of America know their shit.

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